Assess performance impact of Spectre & Meltdown…

Assess performance impact of #Spectre & #Meltdown patches using vRealize Operations Manager #vrops #vmware #vExpert

Assess performance impact of Spectre & Meltdown…

With this article, I wanted to share some quick tips and tricks which can help you manage the performance of your workloads while you go through the patching process for Spectre & Meltdown vulnerabilities. Before my recommendations, here are a few things which you should know about Spectre & Meltdown: What is Spectre & The post Assess performance impact of Spectre & Meltdown patches using vRealize Operations Manager appeared first on VMware Cloud Management .

VMware Social Media Advocacy

Tips for Upgrading to vSphere 6.5 in a…

Tips for Upgrading to vSphere 6.5 in a Large-Scale Environment #VMware #vExpert #UpgradevSphere6.5

Tips for Upgrading to vSphere 6.5 in a…

By Tom Ralph, Sr. Cloud Architect, VMware Introduction As a first adopter of VMware products under the VMware on VMware program, IT was able to deploy the vSphere 6.5 beta, release candidate, and general availability versions before they were released to public. Our goal in this deployment was two-fold. First, we wanted to take The post Tips for Upgrading to vSphere 6.5 in a Large-Scale Environment appeared first on VMware on VMware .

VMware Social Media Advocacy

Manually starting vRealize Hyperic 5.8.X Appliance

I’ve had this happen to me on the 5.8.4 appliance and thought I would share.  Normally The Hyperic appliance is deployed as a vApp consisting of two VMs, and when the vApp is started/restarted, they each start in the proper order.  This process might be needed if the database doesn’t exit/shutdown normally and thus doesn’t start up right the next time.  And if the database isn’t running, the Hyperic UI server won’t start.

Login to the server with ssh, use the hqamdin password with the root username that you specified during the vRealize Hyperic Appliance deployment, unless you have changed them of course…

First start the Postgresql database: hypericdb.  These services have to be started under the hqadmin account.  

  • To check the status of the service run the following command:
# su -c '/opt/vmware/vpostgres/9.1/bin/pg_ctl status -D /opt/vmware/vpostgres/9.1/data/' - hqadmin
  • To start the service run the following command:
# su -c '/opt/vmware/vpostgres/9.1/bin/pg_ctl start -D /opt/vmware/vpostgres/9.1/data/' - hqadmin

Once the database is running, start the hyperic server: hyperic.  This service has to be started under the hyperic account.

  • You can check the status of the hyperic server service by running the following command:
# su -c '/opt/hyperic/server-5.8.4-EE/bin/./ status' - hyperic
  • You can start the service by running the following command:
# su -c '/opt/hyperic/server-5.8.4-EE/bin/./ start' - hyperic


You can follow if the Hyperic server starts properly from the bootstrap log on the xx01-m-hyperic server.

# tail -f /opt/hyperic/server-5.8.4-EE/bin/logs/bootstrap.log


Hope this helps anyone out there who still uses vRealize Hyperic







VMware Cloud on AWS with NSX: Connecting SDDCs…

VMware Cloud on AWS with NSX: Connecting SDDCs Across Different AWS Regions

VMware Cloud on AWS with NSX: Connecting SDDCs…

I prior shared this post on the LinkedIN publishing platform and my personal blog at In my prior blog post, I discussed how with VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC on AWS) customers get the best of both worlds for their move to a Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) – the leading compute, storage, and The post VMware Cloud on AWS with NSX: Connecting SDDCs Across Different AWS Regions appeared first on Network Virtualization .

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